In the original Greek, the literal meaning of KAIROS It is the right or opportune time.

Our beginnings

Since our beginnings in Kairós, our enthusiasm,
strength and energy has been directed towards making our
clients and future clients share with us a
unforgetable experience.

Family atmosphere

Creating a family, friendly and environmentally friendly environment since one of our sectors is dedicated to the restoration of antique furniture,
industrial and vintage, reusing in this way the
raw material already transformed. Promoting what already is
known as the circular economy R.

Our potential

Our potential sector is
fashion, where all styles are
combine and complement each other with
others, using natural fabrics such as
(silk, cotton, linen, wool, hemp,
esparto…) that play an important
role in the style that characterizes our
fashion and design store.

Weather Kairos

The time that our clients spend in our fashion and design store becomes KAIRÓS time,
enjoying with us in a good atmosphere, enlivened with a glass of Cava, Wine or Tea, if the health authorities and circumstances allow it.

Suitable Location

We have adapted our premises to the measures required by the Balearic government, creating a safe and
comfortable for our clients and for ourselves. Our premises are located on a central street in the traditional town of Artá, this is located in the middle of a large valley at the foot of a small mountain in the northeast of Mallorca. 

We are in

A town that rigorously clings to its origins, which is why it has not undergone many changes in favor of tourism, thus giving a reason why every tourist who visits the island feels attracted to visit its monuments, streets, markets and businesses where the history, culture and charm of this beautiful town that is Artá (Balearic Islands) are appreciated.

Needs of our clients

Taking into account the needs of our clients
online sales trends, we are introducing
new forms of live sales through networks
social networks by relying on well-known platforms, such as
Facebook or Instagram.
You can find us at Facebook @Kairós Artá and
 also on Instagram @kairos_arta

You can visit our physical store at:
Street // Gran Via de la Constitución.
N.// 3 in Artá.

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